Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A time to laugh, a time to cry

I'm glad that I'm still happy. I made a conscious decision yesterday on the spur of the moment to be a happier person and it's really paying off. Tomorrow will be another happy day - whether it is happier than today or less so (objectively speaking) matters not - either way I can be happily thankful for whichever day happened to be better; if tomorrow is better then that's just splendid! - otherwise it just means that the following day will bring more to look forward to, with more to remember about the previous happier day! Wonderful optimism! I love being happy! I hope everybody lives a long, happy and abundantly joyful life - be happy with what you have, strive to gain more and just be HAPPY! Thank the Lord for your blessings; if you can count at least one - you have more reason than not to be over the moon with happiness! The book of Ecclesiastes is a treatise that could drive a suicidal person to despair (OK, I think you ought to read it someday), but its conclusion can be interpreted in the spotlight of optimism. Wonderful happiness, O happy joy!

Skin cancer lecture today. Followed by Reproductive Immunology, which made me very happy - I learned a fair amount. It's nice to learn.

Of course, sadness enters our lives - patients, for example require a degree of empathy - it is not our duty to discharge secretions of empathy; rather, we ought to consider a privilege that we can offer our support, both in our technical proficiency and our empathy as a pillar to lean on in times of need.

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