Tuesday, September 27, 2005

We will not go quietly into the night...

O thou who changest not - grant to him a measure of the grace thou hast given unto me.

I'm beginning to wonder whether self-inflicted stress is worse than exogenous pressure. Either way, one copes.

Two things I've learned so far - nobody knows everything about anything and 58 years old is 'young.'

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

AVPU nil

So it begins again. The dance that flings us into the good old rhythm of crash & burn. Hurrah for timing. Hurrah for firms. Hurrah for medicine in all its cannulated gory glory. Sound the bleeps. Man the gurneys. Neat.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Guilty, m'lord!

Your honour, my client, the little translucent crab scurried nervously across the beach, oblivious to the heavy tread of footsteps pounding on the sand. I have shown, ladies and gentlemen of the jury that the giant black sandal came squelching down nearby, injuring one delicate leg. Ducking for safety, the crab headed for the waves...until the massive wooden stick came crashing down across its back...prodding it into the waves, flicking and tumbling the little crustacean into the surf. Honourable members of the jury - I beg you to restore some of the wounded pride of this poor animal; insufficient was the hurt caused by the initial assault - the giant stick continued to pry at Mr Crab, forcing him in his injured state into the breaking waves. We do not ask for pity. The grace of the court is not our objective. Indeed, no verdict you return can remove the insult from the injuries that have already been grievously sustained but I beseech you, ladies and gentlemen - restore some small measure of honour and dignity to your fellow crab!

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Horrid. I think Singapore must be one of the few places on earth where's you'll find it faster to walk up/down stairs than use the escalators. These chaps just don't know how to move. No, hot weather doesn't dull the brain - not when you've got sub-zero air-conditioning blasting throughout the underground passageways that quadruple-buttocked people love to block with their wide loads as they stroll along with triple prams at a pace that could barely outrun a chimpanzee in a wheelchair with its brakes locked.
Talk about crowd...the Comex 2005 was quite something...but, as Sartre said - 'Hell is other people'...

Friday, September 02, 2005

Sick, Sick, Sick.

This guy is utterly sick in the head.
An extremist's view of Hurricane Katrina.

Once again, it isn't about whether America's wanton environmental destruction has brought this disaster on the Gulf Coast states; help a nation in need and it will not forget. Like it or not, the Yanks genuinely try to do 'the right thing' (no, I don't like buying into the right-wing media spin, but here goes anyway)... Senor Bush's incompetence at disaster management is proved once again but look here, people - despite the chaotic scenes in Louisiana Americans have mobilised $100 million already. The Aussies and Swiss have given their share; the Japanese have poured in half a million. You see, people, the Yanks don't NEED your money. They have more than enough of their own, but (and I know cliches suck, but never mind) IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS! When your back yard or street is utterly destroyed and you're standing on a rooftop begging the rest of the world for help, I won't hold it against the Americans if their memories are longer than yours and they (finally) choose to sit back, shut up and put their wallets away. C'mon, people...do unto others...
No, these guys aren't angels but it's wrong to demonise them because of some political squabbles. It's called 'petty jealousy'. There are plenty of idiots, morons and imbeciles in America (read: G.W.Bush) but, like anywhere else, there are plenty of good people and they deserve some compassion. More than most countries private individuals there are the first to make charitable cash donations and I'd be utterly ashamed if they continued to do so regardless of whether others helped them if we didn't lift a finger at all.

Man, I'm such a nutcase. A virus got into my brain and my cranial interior is now a glazed doughnut (no, Lorenzo, it's scone as in 'gone' not scone as in 'own,'). I think I'll go commit myself right now...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

My sincere and heartfelt condolences to all those affected by this natural disaster. A pity they gave it such a nice name.

Just a short message of support to those Americans out there...oh yes - I sometimes think of myself as a realist, but let's put that to rest for a moment. These people deserve some respect and hope.

I hope all the Americans out there know that we're with them all the way on this one. People might not agree with the war in Iraq or other US actions but, truth be told the USA deserves the solid support of everybody else when innocent lives are lost. Americans were generous with their time, support and money when the tsunami struck Asia and it's high time a like measure of solidarity was returned to the USA. So, America, know that you are not alone!
I haven't heard many condolences from 'world leaders' (okay, the Queen sent a 'message of shock') but it seems most people care more about the effects on the price of gas than the suffering people of the South-East USA. (S.E.Asia, S.E.USA - what's the difference - besides money - they're people, we're people and you don't refuse a helping hand when your fellow man is down and out).
Many people assume that the world's richest nation can fend for itself but what goes around comes around and you reap what you sow - we should never forget that it is the poor in any country who suffer most from such terrible tragedies - lives are wrecked and families ruined. Just because it's happened to a mighty country doesn't mean a helping hand can't be offered; I truly hope you manage to pull through this one and wish that the rest of the world would sit up for just a moment and wish you good luck and lend a helping hand. Oh yes - don't be too proud to accept it, for a simple token of goodwill and friendship does not merely repay the kindness Americans have offered to others in the past - instead, it says 'brother, when you're in trouble, don't despair, I'll be there, so lean on me.'