Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Diatribe; waste of emotion.

Thursday: Quiz
Friday: Crucible Reunion
Saturday: Satisfy sushi craving
Sunday: OWW Reunion
I keep bumping into people. Ms French, my Chemistry teacher from school; a play director; etc. The world's so small now I seem to have lost some of the awe and wonder at the splendour of scale...

I want out...out out out out out. To snuggle in a nice little cosy bed with a silky down-filled duvet. Switch on the hifi and listen to Bach, sip some tea and let yourself slide into an eternal sleep. Don't forget to leave the gas pipes on. That's the way to go.

It's depressing to work when you watch other people beavering away; it's even more annoying when the sun is shining outside and all you can worry about is the significance of measuring bone markers and their significance in osteoporosis. Why do people do this? I don't understand. It's mind-numbing. Life is so unfair. I sound like a whining spoiled brat. Smile and the world smiles with you...fart/belch - and you'll be ALL ALONE. Decided that I must go on a hell-raising bender this summer; the final long one of all time - sob (no, not 'shortness of breath'). It just doesn't bear thinking about.

What inspirational thing can my sordid little mind drag from the dregs of the subconscious pit of my emotions - yeah, the one that froths with lava-bubbles bursting over jets of acrolein-scented hog-juice...?
One thing. One very quiet, sublime little thought - take a moment to sit and think. Amidst all the trouble, worry and strife (believe me, there's a lot in the world out there - just try counting the number of people with ingrowing toenails) it's nice to be able to lose yourself for a split-second. To 'lose' oneself in the thought-encapsulated feeling of the miracle of life. The complexity of the organism - metabolic pathways, microstructures, macrostructures, mechanisms, feedback....if you can understand ALL of that (you can't) then just pause when it gets your head spinning - pause and see yourself as a tiny cog in this huge machine as your try to comprehend your role (you can't)...then you're simply forced to accept (you can't) to get on with whatever you were doing in the first place, thereby ending the instantaneous rambling daydream that took me hundreds of words to express. Don't take my word for it, but - you can.

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