Thursday, February 03, 2005

Semper fi

I'm going to make this a brief post as I'd quite like some sleep before the long day ahead. Of course, that's my own problem!
It seems people know me better than I thought. I humbly acknowledge that I have probably underestimated them.
Most grateful to those who have listened/'positive feedback loops.' Change is on its way and it is borne well indeed - simplicity, honesty and plain old fashioned goodness. Keeping it sane, all the time.
By the way - if anybody knows any interesting tidbits of Central Asian info, do let me know. Always keen for updates on the Turkmenistan ice palaces and their keep love of melons...

I find it necessary to pontificate for a short while on humility.
Humility. It keeps us sane. We should boldly proclaim to others our beliefs and thoughts and the exchange of ideas makes life a truly enriching experience but I'd be an honest fool if I wasn't aware of my own shortcomings whilst defending those ideals I cherish. The old proverb 'too humble is half proud' may ring true, but I keenly argue in favour of humility whenever possible - it sharpens the jagged edges of what can be a rough demeanour.

Just for a brief detour - these rather oddly compartmentalised ramblings might sound like somebody losing his mind or a high-speed train of thought on a collision course with a reality buffer that it's been trying to avoid. I'm trying to say that if I suddenly sound 'idealistic' in my relentless, cut-throat drive for 'the bottom line' i.e. the incredibly strained, inarticulate, verbose efforts to reach my goal of SIMPLICITY AND HONESTY IN COMMUNICATION, then I make no apology, for I am merely trying to shed some 'crust.' Open parlance and skeptical criticism has never harmed societies; I venture to add that this is becuase the thoughts encoded in such seemingly straightforward arguments has never encumbered those with sufficient 'sleight/agility of mind' to discern deeper meanings that lie buried therein....if you know what I mean...

That detour doesn't seem to have led very the night flies, disappearing with the morning mist. Thoughts tumble and I am resolved. At last. At long, long last.

btw - OK - did I ever send you any of that promised doggerel?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, you didn't.