Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A polite request

Could whoever posted the third comment on my most recent blog posting please let me know your identity. I'd be very grateful. You can just email jason.ho@imperial.ac.uk - Thank you.

Other news - Ivan Noble passed away, aged 37. Very sad to hear about it. Tragedy. That's why we should spare no effort in cancer research. Everything should be done to find cures. It's rather sad to hear about his demise.

Our Crucible rehearsal was moved to the basement corridor of the Reynolds this evening...turfed out by the fashion show, the Tamil society and wind sectional rehearsals.

The latest and greatest - Gray's Anatomy for Students (2005) by Drake, Vogl and Mitchell - hurrah! A wonderful textbook, methinks. I'm going to try scanning quickly over it and shall endeavour to report again on whether it's worth buying... A lovely cover, though. Stunned my eye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jason, putting your email address up there is not a good idea, especially as there are web-bots which crawl pages indexed in search engines for email-addresses to add to spam mailing-lists. The last time I put my email address on a webpage, it got spammed beyond recognition and I had to abandon the account.