Saturday, February 19, 2005

All ye faithful...

It's interesting to note the different responses of the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches to their respective crises; briefly, the Orthodox priests were covering up legal/bribery/corruption scandals and several Catholic priests (I'm sure you have heard) seem to have had a penchant for paedophilia. The Greek Orthodox church seems to have faced up to its responsibilities; Archbishop Christodoulos acknowledged, apologised and is now trying to atone for the sins of the clergy. Meaning no disrespect to the ailing Pope - what exactly is going on in Rome? Hardly any changes or punishments seem to have been effected. Trivial, but true. I'm appalled and yet, encouraged by the stance in Athens. That ought to be the way; identify the problem and (don't just nip it in the bud) crush it with a heavy lead-lined boot. Yeah.

Time for a little discreet blubbering...
"In any fight, it's the guy who's willing to die who's gonna win that inch...and I know that if i'm gonna have any's becuase i'm still willing to fight and die for that inch." Life is indeed a game of inches.
I'm a little confused. Rather crudely, let's spread life out like a timeline; past, present and future. We can dwell on the past, cry 'carpe diem' and seize the moment or look ahead towards the future. Most people accept some permutation of the three and I fully acknowledge each has its own merits and problems. However, I just think it's a little more complicated than that...too often little things (and great things, too) complicate matters. What of love? Tragedy? Loss? Success? They throw us into a state of confusion, boundaries are breached and what was once clung to unyieldingly becomes a slippery pole lathered with grease. How do we live hedonistically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, even purely physiologically - or blend all of these abstractions into the sane beings we profess ourselves to be? 'Life events,' I belive they are sometimes referred to as. Argh. They dictate a response that may (temporarily) alter the balance of our past/present/future outlook on our lives and relationships with others.

Now for something less silly - INVEST IN AFRICA! You'll make money (Kofi Annan says so). Buy land in Africa; your sound investment will mature when 'the dark continent' starts drawing in the FDI that a soon-to-be (?!) prosperous India and China will be sploshing's time to make your great-great-grandchildren wealthy enough never to have to go through this hell that is the rat-race of willing enslavement - break free from the cycle and earn limitless cash! Buy into Africa!!! Personally, I want a nice chunk in the middle.

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