Monday, February 07, 2005

Juvenile Delirium

Before the caspases drive me completely insane I thought I'd just take the opportunity to relay an odd assortment of things. Odd things have happened lately and I dare not trouble the reader too much but to beg him/her to cast their eye over these few musings of mine. Pardon the excess of quotes; for better or worse I'm rather quote-happy today...

Over a lovely (but rather fiery/spicy) Hunanese dinner I was told:
"Tomorrow, you will have lost today, and you were never happy yesterday." Carpe diem indeed. Wise words. I may never be 'happy' but I can jolly well try; after all, according to Mr Emerson, "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail!"

Let's try to keep a sense of idealism alive. As a cynic I know it's incredibly difficult; nevertheless one ought to try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...I was reading a slightly pious article a couple of nights ago. One thing struck me, however - "the steadfast morals which fill his heart and the unwavering truth that is his soul allow him to apply temporal yet unmistakable traits" seem to be characteristics I would love to have the courage to strive for...
(quote pulled from Remembering the Reason)

My brother is such a wonderfully joyous little sod it's utterly unbelievable. Hilarious to the point of being nearly seriously no longer funny...some people shine sunbeams from their eyes and the only thing that can dampen their day seems to be a (parentally-imposed but poorly enforced) limit on chocolate intake.

Think kindly of me. It's less a pitiful soul's silent plea than a tyrant's machiavellian tirade. Nonetheless I would have it this way. Thanks.

For sheer length's sake I'll add a strange little poem of mine. Cheap entertainment value!

The Rant of a Madman
11th January 2005
By Jason Ho

The world is going to end soon. I never thought so, but the moon
Seems not to shine very much and I somehow can’t see such
A bright glow from the midday sun.

Life’s too short for endless worry. When it’s over, you can only be sorry
For that which you didn’t do. I don’t suppose that to you
That matters too much either.

Rhyming giblets and dashes of verse fail to speak plainly of worse
Things drowning in sombre prose. Wordy tales of secret woes
Are not yarns spun by grandmothers.

That which shall be is now to come, for the final sum
Of our sins falls short today. Borrow tomorrow’s yesterday
And I’ll forfeit a splendid wager.
Doom befalls the proud, blinded by that gilded shroud
Veiling cataracts rumbling with guilt. Aye, your shame would wilt
The brightest innocent flower in Elysium.

Hefty purses drip heavenly alms for beggars whose palms
Lie outstretched and supine. Is theirs a happy fate to dine
In indigent ignorance of tragedy?

Fear, for the wise man is lost! His are dreamy passions within a tossed
Heart that drowns out pleas for reason. Alas, a very treason
Against the seat of justice!

I shall not pronounce much longer, for I am aware of your anger
At the splendid truth I bravely tell. Not a clanging bell
Am I, but an umpire of life’s final match.

Hear me, here, me, sirs – the oaths you swear are false, oh, curse
The riches in your coffers! Pounds are pennies, dollars
Will fall like dimes into street gutters.

By what wherewithal is this future drawn? I, at the rosy dawn
will gaze below at pools azure, which like your future secure
Will dissolve into muddy puddles.


Anonymous said...

bonjour compos mentis

hello i was just wondering if you have tried all those lovely things in life yet? something like those muffins i was talking about and also the fish and chips. they're also very tasty. if not you should consider venturing off to that sushi place cuz thats quite tasty too isnt it.

well anyway... i guess see how it goes, c ya

again if you would like to talk to me... im anonymous

Anonymous said...

bonjour, i deliver kfc meals