Thursday, November 25, 2004


Papal infallibility. To all those Catholics out there, I'm sorry - it's just not possible. To err is human, to forgive - divine.
A wise soul once told me that winners never quit and quitters never win. Ms Seery, your mantra is more apt and fitting than you could ever know. My sincere thanks. With the good comes the bad, I suppose. A new day will dawn from the ashen horizon of the old.
Today's little discourse will grumble on about stereotypes. Hear the crank speak!
In our postmodern, politically correct, androgynously castrated world we pride ourselves on a tolerance that has failed to curb the hatred exploding from beneath. I do not advocate discrimination in any way, shape or form. I merely suggest that at the end of the day, it is our prejudices that save us. Almost (but hardly) analagous to the limbic system - it's an old but intrinsic thing, which preserves us. Even if it were the product of conditioning, surely there is a reason for such behaviour to be perpetuated so strongly in society. Ultimately, those stereotypes are difficult to comprehend and although they cleave the planes of human diversity, the resulting shapes form a startling mosaic that somehow prevents us going totally mad. This doesn't make sense. None of it does. I'm sleepy.

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