Thursday, June 10, 2004


Random insertion: I seem to have developed a fascination for 'pep-talk' style monologues. They deliver that temporary burst of inspiration needed by the less than inspired.

Today shall see me traipsing off to the public library nearby to exercise my right to vote. Although not a citizen of this country I am, by some esoteric quirk of the political system accorded voting privileges as a legal resident. An interesting consequence will be that this makes me the first member of my immediate family to cast a political vote. Ever. Granted, I have an uncle who was an MP in my home country and some of my uncles/aunts vote, but my own parents have either never been accorded voting rights or have never elected to use them.

Revision has dulled my senses - alas, not like an opiate, but rather more like a lethal dose of a barbiturate mixture. One would be doing it a disservice to compare the onset of mental strangulation brought about by such intolerable frustration to euthanasia. Indeed, there is no 'fallback' for those at the back.

In other news...Ronald Reagan is now deceased. One can only hazard a guess...
1a Pneumonia
11 Alzheimer's disease ?!?

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