Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Fool's Paradise

Meat on a stick. Nutrition in powdered form. Chinese powdered peanut cookies wrapped in foil and bright green boxes. The opium of the masses is not religion but convenience foods. Not that I'm complaining - what tastes good may not always be good for you but it sure beats cooking.

Age is an illusion! Young or old - we're simply people sliding along a time-shift...and the chronological rheostat will dim for everyone...
Time doesn't stand still on holiday. It runs faster so that it can afford to rest longer during term.
I think I've been ageing far more rapidly than I'd hoped. Peering into crystal balls seems to have that effect. Peaks and troughs of enthusiasm and disillusionment zoom faster into focus than I'd expected. The words 'decade,' 'how time flies' and 'it's been a long time' are never far from my lips. Nostalgia is like a pacemaker...people with broken hearts (?!) can't live without them. Oddly enough, I think I'd rather be cardioverted.

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