Thursday, March 15, 2007

I say, "let them eat cake." We're seeing a repeat of this wall of prejudice today. It's bad enough for 'native' Britons to emigrate to Australia to take up 'cushy' GP posts in the outback. I feel cheated by the slimy mongrel government that dares to call itself the saviours of the NHS. Let the whole rotten system collapse (like the Tube). They probably won't learn their lesson, but a nasty wake-up call to the masters of the universe is long overdue.
Unfortunately, I may depend on them for a job.

Which brings me to the medical bubble. The horrid, reflecting spherical prison that is the world of academic medicine. It's weightless and weird. A world unto itself. A protected place...and yet a trap for everything within it, longing to touch the outside yet afraid to do so, knowing that if those within step outside their boundaries their world and everything they know will burst around them and they will enter a far, far uglier world than anything the bubble held. You see, the medical bubble, for all its unfairness, idealism, caring, bigotry, poverty, wealth, rabid competition, generosity, self-serving stabbing-in-the-back, kindness, slimy sucking-up, pressure, overwork, failure and achievement - is simply a reflection - of the world outside. Leave it and you're no better off because it's just a closed-off continuum of the agony of everything you can experience - just with a different set of rules - in some ways, no better - and no worse...
So I'm scared. Terrified and horrified. Petrified and mortified. My bubble is not bursting - it's imploding.

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