Saturday, May 07, 2005


Kingdom of Heaven - an interesting topic to make a movie on (the Crusades); historically wildly inaccurate, poor plot development, uninspiring dialogue; the director attempts to fill it with themes from 'Gladiator' (his well-known hit in the 'epic' genre), an idea which goes completely belly-up. The main good point - battle scenes. Yes, siege towers, boiling oil/tar, catapults...the Star Wars III trailer was good too...

Why do people take baths? Showers are fine...I know that baths are nice and relaxing, but they're an awful drain on water's been ages since I had a bubble-bath...

Magyar Templom signs creeping up all over the place again...

I'm about to make my pitiful green-fibrous-matter contribution to Hugh's adventurous apparent tribute to his admiration for Jamie Oliver.
I think summer weather makes me 'calmly irritable' - hyperactive inside, but lulled by an overcoat of inertia. There are so many things to do, to say, etc.
It's quite annoying - I wanted to murder my brain and drain away any residual intellectual capacity after the exams, but instead I find myself having to blast through yet another term. It's a nicely scheduled one, I'll admit - plenty of free time - to read papers and get myself distracted by strange musings and odd movies.
You can't have everything, I guess.

I overheard a conversation a couple of days ago...about baby names. Personally, I would name a boy after myself and a girl after her mother. Ta-da, problem solved.


Anonymous said...

Jason IInd - i like the sound of that

Anonymous said...

If your first son is Jason II, your second son could be Jason IIa.

Now go and morph your face (see link).