Thursday, May 26, 2005

A beautiful bird...pavements befou/wled.

It's very annoying when you see clumps of dog faeces lying on the pavement, with flies buzzing around. Very annoying indeed.

The weather seems to have warmed up...c'mon, melt those igloos...

I'm about to roast a poussin (spring chicken)...looks delicious just sitting there in its packaging, a gorgeous morsel just waiting to be ravished...mmm...the most beautiful bird I've ever laid my eyes upon.

Most people seem to be in a fairly good mood. Odd. Life's meant to be a game of averages, a see-saw of checks and balances that modulate our emotions to prevent us from bursting with joy (or anger). Utterly tragic.

Right now, I just wish I could have one wish come true. Just one. Actually, make that two. Or three - yeah, three. Three wishes to thrill...

Liverpool 5-3 AC Milan...

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