Thursday, August 04, 2005

Tyrian Purple. Thank you, Murex.

More silly 'poetry.'
Oh yes - I don't think they should expand the UN Security Council. Muahahahaha. Global conspiracy buffs - have a field day!

See her staring at the ceiling; twiddling those thumbs.
Watch her standing by the doorway; desire manifest.
Ask her if she'll stay - but don't expect an answer.
You won't see her again - lay your heart to rest.

Hey man, smile! It isn't that bad!
A nasty bout of weltschmerz won't kill you (unless you've got lots of paracetamol to hand). Remember - don't do it - your liver could benefit somebody far more deserving!


Anonymous said...

you are so fat jason. your poetry tells me so.

Anonymous said...

you are so fat jason. your poetry tells me so.

Anonymous said...

he is soooooo fat.

JH said...

That's because you're too stupid to write anything else. Shut up, Joshua.

Anonymous said...