Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Dr Frank Tuller and Sisters

I feel reasonably inspired. A career in bioweaponry suddenly seems to beckon.
The world seems to have finally slipped into that stage of dispassionate 'unconcern' if such can be said about the Asian Tsunami. Tsk.
I find it difficult to the goalposts at the moment and dark have been my dreams of late...several things seem to be impinging on my sense of sanity and I need to rest on a nice cushy bursa for a brief while. Too many issues from too many angles make my head spin. Methinks (and methinks I tend to abuse this kind, tender word) that it is time for the simpler approach - a sharp rap across the knuckles and a knuckling down between the desk and chair.
Food, in generous portions is always a nice thing to think about. A kind distraction from an inescapable fate. Eat, drink and be merry.

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