Wednesday, November 17, 2004

24 hours

There are too few hours in a day.
Do excuse the disjointed nature of this piece. It is not an essay.
I've bought (£897) my flight home. Yet another 17000 air-miles accrued to the mileage bank. I ordered the kosher meal from London to Singapore and the halal meal from Singapore to London. On board I shall ask to switch to the pork selection. That should flummox those immaculately-dressed, daintily-clad, sarong-kebaya-wearing Singapore Airlines air-drones. Hahahaha.....but to be fair, they're really nice to me. It's the bureaucracy I can't stand.....
I've just realised something. I don't need to feel guilty. Not anymore. I don't need mcuh of a social conscience - one can be rather evil and there isn't much of a payback.....
Made sandwiches for the homeless last Friday. Oooh.....don't I sound like such a hypocrite, just after the previous paragraph. Still, it felt good and the scrapings of leftover cheddar were certainly quite tasty.
My cousin Eve(lyn) visits next week. I hike in Kent this Sunday. Neuroscience is still no better but hopefully Haematology will hold itself together until Friday. My first firm beckons next Tuesday, under the stern supervision of Professor Allen-Mersh at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital. Gastrointestinal surgery it is, then. Hurrah!
I had dreams of making creamy Pulot Hitam with coconut milk, but that shall have to await my return to Singapore. I'm thinking of joining the canoe club next Tuesday - just found out about them - I'm absolutely thrilled and rather excited at the prospect of skidding down rapids some time soon....
Learned a new swimming technique last night with Hugh. Interesting. I didn't drink too much pool water/toddler pee.
Bought four more posters today at half-price. Rather pleased with myself.

Now for something poetic. Oliver has been writing a doggerel of haiku verse, so I shan't try to compete with his magnificent efforts.
I can only manage two lines, after that little Corax/Columba dichotomous verse thing (posted below, Thu Nov 11).
Actually, never mind. I'll post it next time.

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