Recent posts (and those to follow) have consisted largely of rather inane ravings. Actually, inane is a peculiarly inept word to describe my feelings at the moment, which cannot be very aptly classified by any conventional terms. Never mind. I've just thought of (what I think is) an amusing phrase..."Always look on the bright side of life...but keep your sunglasses on and don't stare into the bright light or you'll damage your retina and won't be able to see in the dark." Haha, Jason. Not funny at all. Sadly, how true. About everything.
Note to self: don't talk to self; I shall stay a step behind my own mind. It runs faster than I can, but not fast enough for me to understand it!
On a more mundane footing I ought to add that lately my sushi/sashimi consumption has risen four-fold. Apart from the home-made stuff I do visit 'Sushi Tei' in Holland Village for my tri-weekly fix of sushi.
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