Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Unfortunately, I feel an urge to start this blog with the word unfortunately...I suppose it's some primordial brain-wiring that's geared me into pessimist-mode for a good part of the past decade...
Having come across numerous interesting 'blogs on the 'web I've finally decided to launch off...eventually hoping to string together a nice domain with some nifty layouts, but more on that later...for now, let's take inspiration from http://www.nehal-parmar.co.uk...

I was going through an essay a couple of nights ago and as the creeping hours drained the blood from my brain strange thoughts assaulted my mind. I kept seeing parallel realities, but they seemed to lapse before I could mentally process an emotional/analytical reaction to them. No, it's not daydreaming, although I'll accept 'fatigue' as you final answer...strange, though. That inspired a little 5-liner that sounds as disjointed as my thoughts were that night...

It came upon the midnight clear
Unholy vision, or veneer?
Thought portentously sublime
At such unholy hour appointed
Soon lost to fleeing time.

Work and bed beckon, and I obey.